[3.3.0] – 2020-MAY-4
- Added variants generator (button near SAVE)
- Added product_type=”cpb_product” to new products created in CPB
- Added product_type=”cpb_variants” to new generated products with pricing options
- Added connection between Color Thumbnail categories and Text custom layers: now you can change text color by this category
- Added Font Family category
- Added Font Size category
- Added copy and paste panels through buffer in General Setting
- Added disabling deselect previously selected option
- Added validation required categories on active panel change (added checkbox in Panel settings)
- Fixed IE11 compatibility
- Fixed price variants loading
- Fixed Main menu size ratio
- Fixed Default Settings doesn’t cleared by categories logic
- Fixed display images for multiple panels on Summary tab
- Fixed Edits for ‘engravingForWholesale’ category
- Fixed correct prices for configId layers
- Fixed click on the “+” or “-” sign scrolles page to top
- Fixed multiple “Monogram Text Field” in one category show same text
- Fixed Dropdown default option shown as unselected
- Fixed wrong order of cart options
- Fixed many custom layers for one panel
- Removed variants generation on Save
- Removed theme publish webhook
- Renamed Custom Layer “Path” > “Display Artwork”
- Increased request timeout to 1.5 min
- Reduced collage width to 800px
- Reduced canvas pixelRatio for Safari to prevent memory leaks
[3.2.1] – 2020-APR-22
- Fix undefined preview and image objects on BASE_IMAGE_ADD reducer
- Removed unnecessary functionality from PreviewControls
- Fixed cart property price calculation for Engraving category
- Reduce deployment time: Remove unnecessary removed stores checks
- Fix undefined category getted by Default Options in layers-calculator
[3.2.0] – 2020-APR-19
- Added “Engraving for Wholesale” customization category. Now you can make order with different custom text for each item in a large quantity order.
- Added customizable Agreement Checkbox near add to cart button. You can customize it in General Settings
- Show base image upload on preview only if product have no layers (you still can upload base image through Layers tab
- Fixed base image upload bug
- Reduced release deployment time: removed unnecessary checks.
[3.1.13] – 2020-APR-7
- Added Wholesale Order / Size Breakdown Option. Now total quantity can be split between different sizes within one order.
- Added translation for “Quantity” field
- Added translations for loading and error screen
- Image Upload file size increased to 10Mb
- Fixed setting translation locale on startup
- Fixed red screen while deleting panel
- Fixed red screen when a disabled plugin mlveda multicurrency is present
- Fixed file upload error messages. Now the cause of the error is displayed again