Latest release includes:
* Rewritten render module. Changes will now happen faster, creating fewer redraws. We are still finalizing it in order to eliminate all the shortcomings. Possible bugs.
* Colorized layers now use sophisticated color mixing instead of the usual solid color overlay. Now products with such layers look more natural.
* Added [no named] labels to categories and panels with empty title and options with empty label in layers editor
* Added new main menu to the Admin mode
* Dropdown option replaced with new one. Now the appearance of the dropdown list can be customized
* Added ability to cancel redirect when a customer adding to cart
* Added global variable cpbImageStorage to control images in the application with external scripts
* Added ability to add icons to Dropdown category options
* Added _productUrl parameter to product in cart
* Added loading screen when Shopify loading application
* Add AUTO CURRENCY SWITCHER integration to MultiCurrency component
* Add BOLD MULTICURRENCY integration for Multicurrency component
* Optimized and fixed app and data loads
* Modified getProductData to fetch json file directly from the cloud storage rather than api backend. Thats also required for the CDN to serve configs
* Refactored app initializer to avoid unnecessary redundant calls
* Removed browser DOM render blocking during the app init
* Added loggers and annotations to app and container controllers
* Created offline product view html page for the local debugging and testing with all the engines supported
* Reduced the bundle build time to 10sec locally
* Removed unused packages and imports
* Reduced app load and init time significantly
* Refactored Redux state
* Ensured interoperability of productView on all supported platforms
* Added fetch polyfills for legacy browsers
* Added error handling for the getEntityUrl methods
* Added new Loading component with status display
* Eliminated unnecessary renders of Aside component
* Added lazy load for admin layout parts
* Added Dataloader to the container
* Changed jQuery Ajax calls for data load to fetch API
* Upgraded React to 16.8
* Refactored backend server
* Updated npm packages; babel and webpack upgrade and reconfiguration.
* Fixed application layout. Preview side has now become more adaptive
* Fixed preview image resizing
* Fixed multicurrency switchers compability for Doubly Currency Converter, Bold Multi Currency and Auto Currency Switcher (mlveda)
* Fixed blurry preview on retinas and devices with non-standard screen scales
* Fixed shopify authentication for the application
* Fixed application installing
* Fixed applying logic to other options
* Fixed required fields validation: check empty inputs and numbers
* Fixed form clearing when you delete layer
* Fixed critical error when switching Layers editor tabs
* Fixed ‘multiple’ type category validation
* Fixed ‘text’ type category validation
* Fixed Default Options feature
* Fixed failure of the save function with too many parameters
* Fixed missing arrows for switching view
* Fixed collage alignment: make it to one vertical line
* Fixed help modal toggling
* Fixed most of the strict mode warnings for React Strict mode
Temporarily disabled features
* Layer color on mouse hover
* Save Configuration button
* Quantity category type